The owners of Karaoke bars or hosting businesses rely on their accumulated selection of Karaoke songs for their income, and have often invested substantial amounts of money in building that selection through the purchase of English CDGs. English CDGs contain songs packaged in digital files in a English CDGs format. The English CDGs file format consists of the audio samples and the data representing the lyric display interleaved throughout the file.
These English CDGs owners have the lawful right to make backup copies of the English CDGs they have purchased under copyright law's fair use doctrine. English CDGs owners also need to transfer the contents of the English CDGs to computer hard drives both for backup purposes. In the case of mobile Karaoke hosts, storing the contents of the English CDGs on a hard drive allows them to safeguard the original English CDGs in the security of their home base, and the English CDGs makes their selection much easier to carry to and set up at their engagements. Unfortunately, under copyright law as the music and film corporations would have it, neither of these quite reasonable uses of the English CDGs would be allowed. Under United States copyright law, the holder of the copyright in a English CDGs has the exclusive right to make copies of that English CDGs, and to prevent others from copying that English CDGs, unless there is a recognized exception . This means that unless there is an exception to that exclusive right, any copy of a English CDGs or any song on the English CDGs is an infringement. Fair use copies are exactly the type of exception that permits unauthorized copying.
The law that exists today clearly and correctly implies that copying of legitimately-purchased English CDGs for backup and convenience is a lawful fair use of the copyrighted works on those English CDGs. While a English CDGs does not specifically fit into any of the specific legislative safe harbors for copying, discussed below, the reasons for backups or personal use copies are just as strong for a English CDGs as for the forms of digital content which have already been determined to be specifically eligible for backup and personal use copying.